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Free Rental Cars Now Available in the USA

Transfercar Enters the US Market

Word on the street is that you need a car and you need it fast… at Transfercar, we can help.

You’ve got places to go and we’ve got the free rental cars to get you there. Let’s just say we’re really good at Grand Theft Auto… the video game. Just kidding! Our rental services are totally legit and here’s how we do:

Rental car and campervan companies need to move vehicles between their branches all the time. They can choose to use expensive trucks or trains, but we provide them with a smarter option. They hook up with us and we hook their vehicles up with you. We’re playing match maker… and you get a free way to travel!

It’s easy peasy: You register as a driver, activate your account and log in to the Transfercar website. You find the relocation car or campervan that suits your requirements and submit your request by clicking on the ‘drive it free’ link next to the relocation listing. You don’t get the car without giving up your details, so hit that keyboard fast as demand is high...

Search for Free Rental Cars and RV's Now!

Once we’ve got your request we contact the rental operator right away. As soon as they’ve signed off on the deal you’re good to hit the highway, take in the wonderful scenery and count that roadkill.

We don’t mean to toot our own horns but we happen to be a pretty big deal in Australia and New Zealand. Want some stats? We’re in cahoots with 120 rental car companies and have over 100,000 people taking advantage of free rental cars already. Want more proof? Check out this video shot in Australia by two of our very attractive customers.

Feel like taking a road trip for free? You can with Transfercar.

If you’ve got itchy feet, then go see a doctor. If you want to travel some of the world for free, check out these options or use the search box below...

Search for Free Rental Cars and RV's Now!